Readyset Demo
This demo sets up a Readyset instance and a sample database on your local machine using Docker.
1. Download and run the Readyset Docker compose file
curl -L -o compose.yml \
"" \
&& docker compose pull \
&& docker compose up -d
2. Import sample data
curl -L -s "" \
| psql 'postgresql://postgres:readyset@'
Data loading will be slow on Macs with Apple Silicon.
3. Connect and explore the dataset
Connect to Readyset.
psql 'postgresql://postgres:readyset@'
Enable query timing.
Run a sample query. Note that since we have not created a cache, this query is served directly by Postgres.
SELECT count(*) FROM title_ratings
JOIN title_basics ON title_ratings.tconst = title_basics.tconst
WHERE title_basics.startyear = 2000 AND title_ratings.averagerating > 5;
You'll see similar results:
(1 row)
Time: 154.980 ms
4. Cache a query!
Query performance will be slow on Macs with Apple Silicon.
SQL extension, cache the query in Readyset like so:
CREATE CACHE FROM SELECT count(*) FROM title_ratings
JOIN title_basics ON title_ratings.tconst = title_basics.tconst
WHERE title_basics.startyear = 2000 AND title_ratings.averagerating > 5;
Now that Readyset is going to cache the query, run the same query to populate the cache:
SELECT count(*) FROM title_ratings
JOIN title_basics ON title_ratings.tconst = title_basics.tconst
WHERE title_basics.startyear = 2000 AND title_ratings.averagerating > 5;
Same results as earlier:
(1 row)
Time: 154.980 ms
This most recent query ran against Postgres, but now the Readyset cache has been populated.
Run the query again and this time it's served by Readyset:
(1 row)
Time: 2.073 ms
5. View Cached Queries
command to see which queries are currently being cached by Readyset:
query id | cache name | query text | fallback behavior | count
q_bccd97aea07c545f | q_bccd97aea07c545f | SELECT +| fallback allowed | 4
| | count(*) +| |
| | FROM +| |
| | "title_ratings" +| |
| | JOIN "title_basics" ON ( +| |
| | "title_ratings"."tconst" = "title_basics"."tconst"+| |
| | ) +| |
| | WHERE +| |
| | ( +| |
| | ("title_basics"."startyear" = $1) +| |
| | AND ("title_ratings"."averagerating" > 5) +| |
| | ) | |
(1 row)
6. Update the underlying data
You'll notice that query you've run a few times returns the count of movies in '00 that had a rating greater than 5 (i.e. 2,418 movies). "Battlefield Earth" was a movie released in '00 that received poor ratings. For instance, run this query:
SELECT title_basics.tconst, title_basics.primarytitle, title_ratings.averagerating, title_ratings.numvotes
FROM title_basics
INNER JOIN title_ratings on title_ratings.tconst = title_basics.tconst
WHERE title_basics.primarytitle = 'Battlefield Earth';
You'll see it scored an average rating of 2.5:
tconst | primarytitle | averagerating | numvotes
tt0185183 | Battlefield Earth | 2.5 | 80451
(1 row)
Time: 63.621 ms
It was, indeed, an awful movie. Nevertheless, historical revisionism is fun when you have
full control of the data. You can grab the id for "Battlefield Earth" (tt0185183
) and update its
average rating accordingly:
UPDATE title_ratings
SET averagerating = 5.1
WHERE tconst = 'tt0185183';
7. The cache is auto-updated!
Rerun the previously cached query that returns the count of movies:
SELECT count(*) FROM title_ratings
JOIN title_basics ON title_ratings.tconst = title_basics.tconst
WHERE title_basics.startyear = 2000 AND title_ratings.averagerating > 5;
And bingo! The count has been increased by one (i.e 2,419 vs 2,418).
(1 row)
Time: 2.617 ms
8. Try more queries!
Explore the dataset and test Readyset's performance with additional queries.
View proxied queries:
Remove a cache:
DROP CACHE <query id>;